Real-Life Makeover: You Edition

In recent years, it has seemed like you can’t turn on the TV without seeing some kind of makeover show.
Series like “Extreme Makeover,” “Fixer Upper,” “What Not to Wear” and countless others feature people dramatically rebooting their lives … with the help of telegenic experts and bottomless budgets. Most of us don’t have those resources.

But Lifehack founder and CEO Leon Ho says the key to a real-life makeover isn’t outside resources. “It’s about you, and your ability to accept challenges and having the determination to break free from your existing situation,” he says. Following are some tips on getting that process started, without gorgeous gurus or network-sized wallets.

Start with your health. There’s a reason so many makeovers show focus on bodies. Our physical well-being has a big influence on our overall well-being. But it’s not about how we look; it’s about health. So, talk to your doctor and get healthier – eat better, get active, address health problems. Both the process and the results will have a big impact on your life.

Love your work. Studies suggest that we spend one-third of our lives working. So, being unhappy at work means being unhappy in life. If your work life disappoints you, start a process toward changing it. Whether that means looking for a new job, getting trained for a different career or discovering what it will take to be happy where you are, make it your mission to get happy at work.

Create a positive community. Are you surrounded by people who bring good things into your life? Do they support and encourage you in your dreams and aspirations? Do they hold you accountable for pursuing your goals? Do they comfort you in bad times? Do they engage in activities that make life better? Do they challenge you to be a better person? If not, find a new crowd.

Make it about others. Doing good for others does good for you. Focus on how you can be helpful to people in need and your life will get better.

Be a kid again. Make a point of shrugging off your grown-up attitudes every once in a while and recapture your childlike joy. Try a new adventure. Revive an old favorite hobby. Watch goofy movies. Make sure every day includes laughter.

Be here, now. Some people roll their eyes at the advice to “Just be,” but there’s life-changing wisdom in
focusing on what you’re doing right now rather than worrying about what you have to do tomorrow, what you should have done yesterday or 10,000 other things. Push that other stuff away and absorb the moment you’re in and you’ll enjoy it more … and be better equipped to deal with those 10,000 other things.

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